Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day, 2012 It has been a rough year. Twice a driver has creamed me, within 6 weeks of each other. The first turned left in front of me and the second ran a red light. I am still in a rental car and searching for a replacement car. I have lost so much time to filling out forms, dealing with ins, physical therapy, etc. While I am fortunate and know it could have been much worse, I resent the time this has taken that could have been spent doing more acts of kindness. In the meantime, I read someone had made a vow to give one compliment each day. Seemed like a good idea. I think I give lots of compliments and am careful that they are sincere. But it hasn't been that easy. I think I will try harder and see what I can do. Everybody needs a compliment now and then. I have started a garden and hope to have lots of produce to give away this summer. My raspberries are starting to produce. My apricots are ripe and need to be used quickly. Not a very long post, but lots going on.